
The Portland Streetcar is accessible to everyone

  • Every Streetcar is equipped with bridgeplates in the low floor section of the car, which makes for easy wheelchair boarding.
  • The low floor section of each car is spacious to allow maneuverability.
  • All streetcars are air-conditioned.
  • Reader boards and audio announcements indicate the next stop.
  • In case of an emergency, use the intercom to talk to the operator.

Accessibility & Safety Tips

  • Wait in view of the Streetcar operator
  • Wait in the middle of the boarding platform where the Streetcar operator can see you. That way the operator can deploy the boarding ramp as soon as the train stops, which helps save time.
  • Be sure to stay behind the bumpy tiles on platform edges.

Boarding Ramp Information

  • Look for the door equipped with a ramp. The boarding ramp is marked with the blue accessibility symbol. Press the blue button to deploy the ramp.
  • While riding, at any time you can request that the ramp be deployed at the next platform by pressing the blue button on the side of the train in the low-floor section of the car. If the doors are already open, they will close and the ramp will deploy. (Pressing the yellow button will open the doors without deploying the ramp.)
  • A blue ramp request strip is located near the grab bar in the accessible seating areas.
  • Wait for the ramp to fully deploy, then board.
  • Wait behind the bumpy tiles on the platform while the ramp extends. The doors will reopen and you can board the train. (The ramp will retract automatically when the doors close.)

Each car has two accessible areas

  • Inside each ramped door are two large open areas marked as priority seating for seniors or passengers with disabilities.
  • It is not necessary to secure mobility devices on the Streetcar.

In Case of Emergency

  • Use the intercom
  • To talk with the Streetcar operator, use the blue intercom located near each ramped door.
  • Push the yellow button on the blue intercom. An alarm will sound, then the operator will ask about the emergency.

Service Animals on the Streetcar

  • Service animals (guide dogs and companion animals only) are welcome on the Portland Streetcar.
  • Click Here for detailed information about service animals.

Title II and Title VI

The Portland Bureau of Transportation operates without regard to race, color national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of the ADA, ORS chapter 689 A, and City of Portland Code Title 23.01. For accommodations, complaints, and additional information, contact the Title II and Title VI Coordinator at Room 1204, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204, or by telephone (503) 823-5185, City TTY 503-823-6868, or use Oregon Relay Service: 711.
Translated text can be found here.

Streetcar Service Information

Portland Streetcar provides information for groups or individuals interested in learning how to how to board and exit Streetcars using a mobility device. Please call503-823-2900 for accessibility information.

Streetcar Accessibility Commitments

  • Work with several groups to improve accessibility.
  • Installation is complete on new bridgeplates that are longer and wider.
  • Design changes have been made to remove beveled edge and bump on entry for bridgeplate.
  • 3″ stop identification letters on the shelters have been installed.
  • Raised letters and Braille on shelters have been installed.
  • Braille for identification on ticket machine and emergency door button has been installed.
  • Accessible route direction signage has been installed.

Streetcar Accessibility Issues Pending Funding Requests:

  • Replacement of Nextbus reader boards to show proper contrast.
  • Stop indicator reader board on vehicles.

To request an accommodation, alternative format of communication, ASL interpreter or modification of policies , visit the City of Portland website